
Annual Macao International Fireworks Display Contest

2016-07-21 shenzhenparty

The annual Macao International Fireworks Display Contest - universally acclaimed as one of the best of its kind - takes place on the Macau Tower Shorefront from mid-September to 1st October every year. Over the years, more than 100 international teams from China, the Philippines, Thailand, Chinese Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Australia, the UK, Switzerland, France, Germany, Portugal and Spain have participated in this world-class pyrotechnic shoot-out. Many visitors choose this time of year to come to Macao to enjoy an exotic holiday illuminated by spectacular displays in the night sky that can be enjoyed from many vantage points on the Macao Peninsula and Taipa Island.

The 28th Macao International Fireworks Display Contest will be held above the sea area across Macau Tower on 3rd, 10th, 15th and 24th September and 1st October, featuring ten contesting teams ready to dazzle the skyline with spectacular fireworks displays that bring out a special theme each of the five scheduled evenings. The themes of the fireworks nights include “Pyro Fantasia”, “Tribute to Bond”, “Mid-Autumn Harmony”, “Stars from afar” and “Celebration in the Sky”.

The Macao International Fireworks Display Contest is organized by Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO). During the press conference today (7th July), MGTO Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes unveiled the event program of this year.

Looking back, Director Senna Fernandes was glad to see so many prominent fireworks companies coming from across the globe to grace the contest over the last 27 years. The event has, for over two decades, drawn a multitude of visiting spectators to Macao. She stated that in the days ahead, MGTO will carry on with its efforts to stage a wider diversity of fascinating events. In pursuit of stronger collaboration with the tourism and travel-related sectors, the Office will strive to incorporate various elements with tourism as well so that more visitors from around the world would love to come and experience the city in different styles. Its endeavor is in line with Macao’s goal to become a World Centre of Tourism and Leisure.

“第二十八屆澳門國際煙花比賽匯演”將於9月3日、10日、 15日、24日及10月1日在澳門旅遊塔對開海面舉行。十支參賽隊伍將獻上精彩的煙花表演。五晚的煙花比賽匯演將以不同的主題,分別是“煙花幻想曲”、 “璀璨邦之夜”、“和樂融秋月”、“遙星炫夜空”以及“閃耀迎喜慶”,帶出每個煙花之夜的特色。


文綺華表示很高興在過去二十七年來得到世界各地的煙花公司參與澳門國際煙花比賽匯演,每年吸引眾多旅客專程來到澳門欣賞。旅遊局將繼續為市民和旅客獻上更精 彩和多元化的節目,加強與旅遊業及相關業界聯動協作,將不同的元素結合旅遊,吸引世界各地的旅客以不同方式感受澳門,配合構建澳門成為“世界旅遊休閒中 心”。

歷屆的澳門國際煙花比賽匯演都有世界著名的煙花公司參與,今年也不例外。參賽的十支隊伍分別來自(按比賽程序)泰國、葡萄牙、英國、瑞士、日本、韓國、意大利、加拿大、羅馬尼亞和中國。今年首次有來自羅馬尼亞的煙花公司參 與,而加拿大的煙花公司也是首度亮相。9月15日中秋節將有日本隊和韓國隊的煙花表演,而來自羅馬尼亞和中國的煙花隊伍將在10月1日國慶日當晚演出。十支隊伍可謂高手雲集,旗鼓相當,將為旅客及市民帶來連場精彩的煙花表演。

加拿大的Orion煙花公司於1999年成立,每年在加拿大的魁北 克省及世界各地舉辦超過八十場的煙花表演,其中包括為魁北克省慶日以及加拿大的國慶日製作多場煙花表演,並且在2015年英國黑池國際煙花比賽中取得第一 名。來自羅馬尼亞的Transilvania煙花公司於1998年成立,每年為多個羅馬尼亞的重要節日和體育盛事等製作超過二百五十場煙花表演,並在 2006年羅馬尼亞煙花比賽中取得第一名。


Event Date: Saturday, September 3, 2016 - 9:00pm - 9:30pm

Booking Phone Number: (853) 2831 5566

Place Address: Sea Area in front of the Macau Tower/旅遊塔對出海面

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